What is Transpersonal Coaching?
Rather than the focal point being the mind, transpersonal coaching or psychology focuses on the whole being – mind, body, soul, and heart. The ultimate goal of transpersonal work is to embrace and integrate our humanity with our divine nature.
Transpersonal coaching focuses on action rather than problem solving. It is the process of transformation by which we reach self empowerment and our true divine nature – by working through our humanity not by bypassing or transcending it. There are no shortcuts on this path.
Transpersonal work is a journey of self –love – and living an authentic and passionate life operating from the heart. It is about building a loving relationship with yourself and therefore everyone around you.
Transpersonal Coaching Level 1 begins a life altering personal journey. Utilizing family systems, experiential and humanistic therapies, the program explores intrapersonal forces which govern our lives within a Transpersonal context. Our unique blending of A Course in Miracles principles with Systems Theory emphasizes finding our sense of safety and remembering meaning in the profound interconnection of all life. Classes are both experiential and didactic in nature facilitating personal integration of the material for the purpose of acquiring a higher perspective and expanding the authentic self.
*Note: The Transpersonal element of these courses incorporates the philosophy of A Course in Miracles.
Overall Vision
It is time to come out of the spiritual closet. We can no longer afford to hide, deny or minimize our collective commitment to spiritual healing, growth and understanding of ourselves or the world at large.
“Don’t ask what the world needs.
Rather ask what makes you come alive;
Then go and do it!
Because what the world needs
is people who have come alive."
-Howard Thurmon
It is time to think big and boldly
Through the Transpersonal Coaching program we are in the process of creating classes and courses for a broader application to mainstream society. Our collective consciousness is changing and with that there is a great need to apply transpersonal healing methods to the world of business, education, correctional facilities, professional psychological associations, and military establishments as well as a wide range of people with individual, relationship and family issues.
If you believe you are being called to make a difference in your personal lives and the world, please consider joining with us and others. The courses outlined for this program are designed to lay the foundation for an exciting and rewarding life purpose of being in service to the practical extension of Love. Although the form of exactly how we each do this may differ widely, the content remains the same for all of us.
Are you ready to step up?
Instructors: Jane Tipping MADED, Paul Goudsmit and others TBA
Who is the program for?
Those who want to make a difference in the world, those who seek a deeper understanding of themselves and those with whom they are in relationship. Those who want to live authentically and with passion. This program is valuable as professional development for those that are now or wish to be involved in the field of personal growth such as coaching, personal or relationship counseling or workshop facilitation.
What can you expect to get from level 1?
- To be able to answer the question of why, given your family system, you could not be anyone other than who you are. Who you are is not as personal as you think!
- An ability to “think in systems” intrapersonally (with self), interpersonally (with another), and transpersonally (with spirit).
- An unshakeable understanding of healing and an ability to view every obstacle as an opportunity for growth.
- Intimate knoweldge of the what vs the who you are.
- The ability to be authentic in all of life’s dealings.
- An intimate knoweldge of personal core beliefs and an ability to question them such that you have an increased awareness of self and sense of life purpose.
- Practical ability to look on all life experiences as benefical.
What is the content?
Several weeks will be spent on each of the following areas:
- Family Systems Theory: general principles – all about the system that created you
- Transpersonal Systems Theory: individual development and the purpose of your unique journey
- Autobiography- more about you!
- Relationship Dynamics: unconscious patterns and postures
- Relationship Dynamics: transpersonal purpose/ process
- The buck stops here – how unfinished emotional issues are passed on from generation to generation
- Becoming 100% Authentic: the healing process
- Transpersonal Psychology: the evolution of consciousness
What will you have to do in the course?
Come to the class, be on time, and participate in learning activities, be willing to share yourself and your life story.
Students will be assigned readings weekly from the text and manual.
One of the main assignments for the year is a 20 page (typed, doublespaced) autobiography. Direction will be provided.
Study your family
You will be asked to reserarch and present a 3 gernation family genogram. Guidelines are provdied. Research will be ongoing through the year
Read and work the lessions of ACIM
A Course in Miracles is a psychospiritual philosophy that teaches a thought system based on love as opposed to fear.The 365 lessons are a series of non-religious daily meditation.
Be dedicated to self-awareness
For more information call Paul Goudsmit or Jane Tipping at
06 344 26 988 (from Canada 011 31 6344 26 988
send an email paul@icunow.com, or use our handy Contact Us form